2024 Fall Session Tri-annuals
9-Ball tournament is scheduled January 25-26 at Good Timez and Griff's Please check the bracket to know where your team is playing. :)
If you find any errors or your team cannot make it please be sure to contact us immediately.
Tournament structure & payouts will be similar to our previous session Tri’s with 8 winners going to the World Pool Qualifier (Cities).
During each tri-annual we will also distribute our Division’s winners’ awards!
As usual any questions regarding those tournaments please make sure you reach out to us.
Tournament Structure:
The Tri-Cup Tournament is held three times a year and is considered an extension of playoffs. This tournament consists of all teams who came in first place in division standings or won their division playoffs. The Tri-Cup Tournament is a single-modified-elimination format. In each Tri-Cup Tournament, the Teams win the opportunity to advance to the Local World Pool Qualifier.
Skill Levels:
All players participating in the Tri-Cup tournament will play at their highest session ending handicap from the session that they have qualified in or what they have played as in the current session - whichever is higher.
Players that are Skill Level 3 and below are allowed TWO Time-Outs per rack. Skill Levels 4 and above are allowed ONE Time-Out per rack. Time-Outs are One Minute.
Common Players:
If two teams meet up with a common player(s) during any tri-cup tournament, the common player(s) will sit out of the match completely or choose a team to play on. If the common player declares a team, they will be removed from the other team roster for the remainder of the tournament.
Players Playing on Multiple Teams:
Players playing for more than one team will need to notify their captains prior to the start of the Tournament. It is recommended that Captains have a plan to avoid any play conflicts with the other team. Matches will not be held up to wait for any player to finish another match they are playing.
The roster a team will use in the Tri's is the roster they had at the last week of playoffs in the prior session. Players who did not reach 5 matches with their team will not be eligible to play in the Tri-Annuals.